Image above: "Conversation Piece, Just Leisure or Hemingway and Duñabeitia," José Maria de Ucelay (1957), courtesy of Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao.
The Hemingway Society invites essays for a volume based on our most recent conference in San Sebastian and Bilbao, Spain.
Presenters who would like to submit their work for potential inclusion in the post-conference collection should email proposals of 500 words by 30 August 2024 to the editors Verna Kale (vlk123@psu.edu), Alberto Lena (alena_ord@yahoo.co.uk) and Iñaki Sagarna (inakisagarna@gmail.com). We will consider revised conference papers as well as new work in progress inspired by the conference. Acceptances will be sent out in September, with revised essays by 15 February 2025. The University of Nevada Reno Press Basque series has shown early interest in the collection.
Works dealing with Hemingway’s relationship with the Basque Country—as a space within literary geography studies or with its people in the Basque Country or other parts of the world—will receive preferential consideration. We are also interested in Hemingway’s discovery of the Iberian Peninsula as a border in his writing as well as comparing Hemingway’s Iberia with that of other Modernist writers. Essays on Hemingway and the Spanish Civil War and Spanish exile are very welcome.