Latest News and Announcements

20th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium

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The Ernest Hemingway Museum at the Finca Vigía in coordination with the National Council of Cultural Heritage will host the 20th Ernest Hemingway International Colloquium in Havana, Cuba from June 25-28, 2025.

Biographers International Organization - Kitty Kelley Dissertation Fellowship

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Biographers International Organization (BIO) is very happy to announce the new Kitty Kelley Dissertation Fellowship in Biography that will provide $25,000 each year to a doctoral student who is writing a dissertation in English focused on the life of another person or upon the lives of two or more individuals.

Ernest Hemingway and the Basque Country

"Conversation Piece, Just Leisure or Hemingway and Duñabeitia," José Maria de Ucelay (1957), courtesy of Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
Image above: "Conversation Piece, Just Leisure or Hemingway and Duñabeitia," José Maria de Ucelay (1957), courtesy of Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao.


The Hemingway Society invites essays for a volume based on our most recent conference in San Sebastian and Bilbao, Spain.

The Hemingway Letters Project wins the Lyman H. Butterfield Award

covers of Letters volumes

The Association for Documentary Editing's selection committee for the Lyman H. Butterfield Award has selected the Hemingway Letters Project as this year's award winner.  

Since 1985, the Association for Documentary Editing has presented the Butterfield Award annually to recognize recent contributions in the areas of documentary publication, teaching, and service. 

The committee's chair, Victoria Sciancelepore writes: