Founded by H.R. Stoneback, former President of the Hemingway Foundation & Society, and initially funded by an auction at the 2018 Paris conference of works of art donated by Stoneback, the H.R. Stoneback award offers support for conference attendance for scholars without institutional funding. Independent scholars without institutional affiliation, postdoctoral students, contingent faculty (non-tenure-track), and scholars from economically developing nations are particularly encouraged to apply.
To be considered for the award, when you respond to the Call for Papers, include with your paper proposal a statement documenting that you have no other anticipated institutional travel funding or awards and that you wish to be considered for the award. A brief statement describing or documenting the particular circumstances of your financial need is strongly encouraged but not required. The Travel Grants Committee will select the recipient(s) based on the merit of the project proposed and the applicant's demonstrated financial need.
Winners will be notified of their award status by January prior to the upcoming conference. Checks will be distributed to the recipient(s) at an award ceremony at the conference. Recipients must be present to receive the award.
Donations earmarked for future funding of the H.R. Stoneback Award are welcome.