The Pennsylvania State University
Verna Kale is Assistant Research Professor in English at the Pennsylvania State University and Associate Editor of The Letters of Ernest Hemingway. She has published a critical biography, Ernest Hemingway, part of the Critical Lives series (Reaktion/University of Chicago Press, 2016) and is editor of Teaching Hemingway and Gender, part of the Teaching Hemingway series (Kent State University Press, 2016). She has contributed articles and shorter pieces about Hemingway and/or life writing to The Hemingway Review, The Journal of Popular Culture, The Conversation, River Teeth, Barrelhouse blog, Upstart, Hemingway in Context, and Hemingway and the Geography of Memory. She is the lead administrator of the Hemingway Society Facebook page. Follow her on Twitter (@vernakale, views are hers and not representative of the Hemingway Society) or Instagram (the_dood_abides_psu, almost exclusively pics of her dog).