Florida Hemingway Society

Call for Papers
17th International Colloquium Ernest Hemingway
June 20-23, 2019
Finca Vigia, Cuba


The Florida Hemingway Society will Sponsor Panels during the June 20-23, 2019 17th International Colloquium Ernest Hemingway at the Finca Vigia, Cuba.

In Ernest Hemingway Studies, the connection between Florida and Cuba is often discussed.  This summer, members of the Florida Hemingway Society will have the opportunity to travel to Cuba and advance this discussion at the island nation’s 17th International Colloquium Ernest Hemingway.

Topics include;
- Ernest Hemingway: citizen of the world;
- Ernest Hemingway as a theme of study at Universities all over the World;
- Research works related with his life and work;
- Ernest Hemingway ́s Collections, Foundations, Associations, Projects and Museums around the World.

In other words, the conference welcomes discussion on Hemingway from multiple and diverse angles, and our Florida Hemingway Society Board will organize panels based on topics and themes received.

To submit your abstract, you must be a member of the Florida Hemingway Society. Until payment options have been added online, which should happen this month, you can have temporary membership by responding to rebecca.johnston@sfcollege.edu

Abstracts should include a title and be no longer than 250 words.

All abstracts are due no later than 15 February 2015 and should be submitted to: rebecca.johnston@sfcollege.edu

You will receive confirmation of your submission, and selected papers will be notified no later than 31 March. 

There are travel options at all prices ranges. See the information at [link removed by editor as the Florida Hemingway Society lost control of its domain] for a sample price breakdown.

*Note that you will be responsible for your own transportation and lodging.

For more information see the FHS website [link removed by editor as the Florida Hemingway Society lost control of its domain]  or contact rebecca.johnston@sfcollege.edu with any questions.