The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation provides funds to scholars and students interested in researching the Ernest Hemingway Collection. The grants (maximum stipend $5000) are intended to help defray travel, living, and other research expenses. Grant applications are evaluated on the basis of: expected utilization of the Hemingway Collection; the project's contributions to Hemingway and/or related studies; and applicants' qualifications. Preference is given to dissertation research, although all proposals are welcome and receive careful consideration. The most up-to-date information can always be found on the JFK Library's Hemingway Grants page.
The deadline for applications is November 1st of each year. Applications must be time-stamped or postmarked by the November 1st deadline. Awards will be announced in January. Applications received after the closing date will be returned and may be resubmitted for the following grant cycle.
To learn more about the Hemingway Collection, please consult the Hemingway Collection's Personal Papers and Audiovisual Materials finding aids. To learn more about protocols for visits to the collection (e.g., boxes must be requested in advance of an appointment), visit the JFK Library's Plan a Research Visit page.
To apply, visit the JFK Library Hemingway Research Grant page.