XVIII International Hemingway Conference
“Paris est une fête” . . . Hemingway's Moveable Feast
JULY 22-28, 2018
Conference Co-Directors: H. R. Stoneback & Matthew Nickel
Paris Site Coordinators: Alice Mikal Craven & William E. Dow
Host Institution: The American University of Paris
Mark your calendars now for what promises to be an amazing conference in Paris, July 22-28, 2018. Paris is Hemingway’s moveable feast. A major concern of the conference directors is to make this a truly international conference. To that end, committees have already been established to ensure the input and participation of French, European, Asian and worldwide Hemingway scholars and aficionados. If you have special knowledge and expertise in the matter of France, or useful French and Parisian contacts, or you would like to serve on a Paris 2018 Conference Committee (or suggest on-site individuals who might serve on such committees), let us know as soon as possible. And please invite and encourage your colleagues and students and friends to be there with us—in Paris, with Hemingway.
Our Host Institution will be The American University of Paris, centrally located in the heart of historic Paris, in the 7th arrondissement near the Seine and the Eiffel Tower, yet far enough from the madding tourist crowd to guarantee an authentic and idyllic Parisian experience for Hemingway conferees. From our home-base academic sessions at AUP to special sessions at The Sorbonne, from a cocktail or dinner bateau mouche boat-ride on the Seine to a dazzling array of other special events now being investigated and considered from among l’embarras des richesses that Paris has to offer—an overabundant embarrassment of riches and choices—we promise that this conference is not to be missed. (And this word from an old Paris hand: don’t be scared by that word “riches”—Paris is inexpensive compared with some of our conference venues and our recommended hotel list in Paris 2018 will be less expensive than most hotels in Oak Park in 2016, Venice in 2014, etc.)
Enthusiasm for the Paris 2018 conference is running high, in the U.S. and abroad. One reason to be in Paris in 2018 is the truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in the global commemoration of the First World War Centenary and to do so in Paris, at the heart of such commemorations. Papers and panels on all aspects of Hemingway studies are welcome. Stay tuned. Watch for the CFP coming soon. Follow the news on the Hemingway Society website.