Calling all aficionados!
Hemingway, a film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, airs on your local PBS station on April 5, 6, and 7. On April 10, join the Hemingway Society for a “Post-Watch” Discussion and Party.
Our discussion will feature documentary writer, Geoffrey Ward; Paul Hendrickson, author of Hemingway’s Boat; and Steven Florczyk, author of Hemingway, the Red Cross, and the Great War; moderated by Krista Quesenberry, Hemingway scholar and Visiting Assistant Professor at Albion College.
After the discussion, we will randomly assign members who wish to talk about the documentary with each other to breakout rooms with a few suggested “conversation starters.”
What: A “Post-Watch” discussion (40 to 60 min) followed by breakout party rooms (30 min)
When: Saturday, April 10 at 4 pm EDT
Where: Zoom Meeting. Register HERE.