Since its publication in November 2017, The Letters of Ernest Hemingway: 1929-1931 has joined the ranks of the three preceding volumes by earning much-deserved, international acclaim. The recent review by N.J. McGarrigle in The Irish Times is just one example. On 24 March, the newspaper lauded the Hemingway Letters Project as “a remarkable feat of scholarly endeavour” that provides each reader the tools necessary to “make our own measurements of Hemingway as a man.” Perceptively, the review notes the mix of braggadocio and vulnerability, empathy and xenophobia, seriousness and humor that we have come to know in the other volumes and in Hemingway’s literary works. Referring to one funny letter in particular (a letter to Ezra Pound in February 1930), the review spotlights Hemingway’s biting critique of Henry James’s interior monologue, an unartistic “trick” that might only be employed successfully by the Irish because their “minds go that way.” For more about this review, please visit our Society Facebook page and Twitter feed.