Welcome to the Hemingway Review Blog

Welcome to the Hemingway Review blog.  

This new feature of the Society website will help integrate the Society's publications by directly connecting the Review to the website.  The blog will offer teasers for each Review issue as well as materials that supplement and enrich the print version of the journal.  For example, for this Fall 2015 issue, the blog will feature a larger color version of untitled painting by John Dos Passos that graces the cover and an addendum to Alex Vernon's lead article, "The Rites of War and The Sun Also Rises," that extends his argument that SAR can be read as a war novel into For Whom the Bell Tolls.  Check back on October 28th to see these posts.

Although some content on the blog will be visible to all wh visit the site, members will enjoy access to full articles and special supplementary materials (color images, music and video clips, etc.) simply by logging in.  

We hope you enjoy this new offering.


How to cite this blog in MLA 8: 

Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Post."  THR Blog, The Hemingway Foundation and Society, Date blog was published, Link to blog entry (omit http:// or https://).